Mon, Oct 01

23:57 [PHOTO] Happy Independence day Boat Regalia
23:56 [PHOTO] The President Going through the "Shit to re-name" List
22:29 RT @Mr_Benzene: Lmfao RT @NTA_news: #breakingNews The Presidency has called for ideas to Rename the country..."
22:04 RT @Kelvin_Caesar: Err... Azontoria @NTA_news: #breakingNews The Presidency has called for ideas to Rename the country..."
21:59 RT @FiftyWebs: TenGeria RT @NTA_news: #breakingNews The Presidency has called for ideas to Rename the country...
21:54 #breakingNews The Presidency has called for ideas to Rename the country...
15:41 #breakingNews Studies have shown that Nigeria can still withstand looting for another 52 years -GEJ
15:05 RT @tinaspice: "@NTA_news: #breakingNews Nigeria has come a long way from 40, she's no Longer a FOOL -GEJ"?LMFAO
14:44 RT @Mss_Saleemat: Lmao "@NTA_news: #breakingNews Nigeria has come a long way from 40, she's no Longer a FOOL -GEJ"
14:30 #breakingNews Nigeria has come a long way from 40, she's no Longer a FOOL -GEJ
02:14 The Nigerian Police sprang into action after a Goat theft and successfully made an arrest... They arrested a male Goat.
01:40 #breakingNews President GEJ to Legalize Weed in his tomorrow's speech to the Nation
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